
Cream of Roasted Red Pepper & Horseradish Soup

I found the basics of this one on the net somewhere, the first time I made it I knew it'd be a hit with the wife due to her love affair with horseradish. I once watched her polish off a vat big enough to feed two sumo wrestlers and a lumberjack. Damn I love a woman that knows how to eat!


6 Red Bell Peppers
2 Shallots
1 jar of cream style prepared Horseradish

2 cups Chicken or Veg Stock

1 qt. Heavy Cream

Kosher Salt
White Pepper

Wash and dry your peppers and remove the stem and core, lightly oil them and place them on a baking sheet in a 450° oven until the skins turn black. Next, place them in a plastic bag for 30 minutes to allow the skin to sweat off.

While the peppers are sweating it out, finely chop your shallot and place it in your soup pot along with the chicken stock and simmer.

Once the peppers are ready, remove them from the plastic bag and pour the remaining liquid into your chicken stock and shallots and continue to simmer while you skin your peppers. Now that your peppers have had their skin peeled off them, chop them a bit and place them in a blender with your simmering broth and as much horseradish as you fancy, then blend until smooth.

Some versions of this recipe call for you to then strain the soup to remove the pepper pulp, but I like it in mine, so that's your call.

Now that the soup is back in the pot, increase the heat to medium high and add the heavy cream. Again this is your call on how much or how little you like. I like my ratio to be 1 part cream to 3 parts soup as to not make the finished product too heavy or over power the flavor of the peppers and shallots.

Once the soup is nearing a low boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and add your kosher slat and white pepper to taste.

This soup is an excellent accompaniment to a beef steak salad, roast beef, standing rib roast, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try this
    I am hoping to do it this weekend
